Welcome to the interactive search area of the DIAUMA database! Here you can search for
specific maps from the database.
As a first option you can filter the database to return maps associated with specific
persons. For instance, you can choose to only look for maps by „Eberhard Kranzmayer“
or „Arnold Hillen Ziegfeld“ etc. As all of the maps in the database have been tagged
with their respective authors, this is a simple way to get a quick overview of a
cartographer/author and their maps.
e in sehen
i, r, ch in Kirche
e in es, iu in iuch usw
kxr-, khr in gerauft
mhd. t-, -t- in 'Kater', 'rote', 'Tag', b in 'Berg', -ck- in 'Buchel'
Selbstlautkürze in mhd. Einsilbern
Arl, Ärling, -h- in Forhe
schilhen, kin verschiedenen Wärtern, o in 'not'
-er in 'Schwagner', 'Schneider', 'Pfarrer', Kompar. 'kleiner', auslautendes -en ..
Habergrieß, Gränte, Forke
Härmlein, Kelper, flôß
locken und Kindsen
Wandel von -rt- zu -r(cht), -(r)scht
au in versaumen, im/ihm, Streb(e)
-br in 'Donner', Riester, Herbst
Troie, Schelm, Tribel
Wuelscher Maulwurf
Doppelreibelaut nach Vokallänge niemer nimmer